How the American Medical Industry Gave Me
All medical information should be free and easy to access for everyone. The target audience for these lectures are people with little or no science background and who may not be clear headed due to pain and lack of sleep.
These videos are terrible. I’m not a public speaker. I wanted to get the information down right away in case my health deteriorated, and then go back and try to improve them. My fungus is effecting my brain now so I won’t be improving them.
Lecture 0 – A new introduction. This website grew in unexpected directions. I added a section on the abuse I’ve endured from the American medical industry after the section on hemorrhoids. Then as they have continued to destroy my health, I added a section on septic arthritis, and then a section on dementia. What’s next? 7:35 minutes refer to Video #1 on Elementor page
Hemorrhoids to Invasive Fungal Infection
Section 1 – Hemorrhoids and septic arthritis are symptoms. In my case, of an invasive fungal infection.
The lectures 1 & 2 are the introduction to hemorrhoids. They will only make since if watched in order.
Introductory Lecture – Hemorrhoids detect pathogens. – Get started on diagnosing yourself. 43.01 minutes
Lecture 2 – Serotonin; the chemical responsible for shrinking your hemorrhoids. 40:11 minutes
The rest of these lectures can be watched in any order, but as far as hemorrhoids go, will not make much sense unless you have watched the first two lectures.
Lecture 3 – Start diagnosing and treating your pathogen. 32:04 minutes
Lecture 4 – Why do hemorrhoids self destruct. How do they regenerate. What does this process have to do with arthritis. What are enzymes. 22:47 minutes. A deeper dive into the hemorrhoid-arthritis connection in lecture 6
Lecture 5 – Possibly boost your serotonin by improving your digestion with HCL (Hydrochloric acid). Correction: I said 60% of people didn’t produce enough HCL by the time they reached 60. I should have said 50%, not 60%. Help protect your digestive track with the amino acid Tyrosine. Comments on my original research paper. 10:52 minutes
Lecture 6- How do hemorrhoids test for pathogens in the body. 21:41 minutes – refer to Video #s 2, 3,4, and 14 on Elementor page
Lecture 7 – Finally found some good information about Omega 3. Found a good video on damage to the blood – brain barrier due to leaky gut and low grade chronic infection. Leaky gut inhibits serotonin in the brain, reduces life span, damages body and brain. 13:18 minutes
Lecture 8 – Clarify a few things about histamine and serotonin relating to lecture 2. Serotonin is produced by Enterochromaffin cells (EC) not echonochindren cells (my dementia made up echonochindren cells). Tryptophan in the brain gets metabolized into Serotonin until the blood-brain barrier gets damaged. Then Tryptophan gets metabolized into a toxic chemical contributing to dementia. 4:49 minutes
My History of Abuse from the American Medical Industry
Abuse Lecture 1 – My history trying to get help from the American Medical Industry. 48:50 minutes
Abuse Lecture 2 First update – December 2022 “The Lobotomites are comming, the Lobotomites are comming” : calling these people doctors is an insult to all real doctors in the world. The American medical industry (Health Care for Greed) is stopping me from contacting any specialist. 43:17 minutes
Abuse Lecture 3 – January 2023 – O no! Not another update! Brick Lantz and failed referrals. 14:31 minutes
(Not) Abuse Lecture 4 – The difference between a real doctor and an American with a medical degree. My doctor in Mexico. 13:25 minutes
Abuse Lecture 5 – Interesting experiences with pain. 15:29 minutes
Arthritis – Lecture 1 Worst video yet. Will try to make new one. My comments on a vedio by James Rosenbaum, MD called Spondyloarthritis Treatment & Research. Good first video to watch on arthritis. Covers lots of info on all types of arthritis. His video 1:14 minutes. This video 11:42 minutes. – refer to Video #7 on Elementor page
Vacationing in the Twilight Zone
Dementia Lecture 1 – Introduction to Dementia caused by invasive infection, in my case by a fungus. 14:44 minutes – refer to Videos #s 8 and 9 on Elementor page
Underlying Cause
Cause Lecture 1 – Introduction to nutritional problems causing hemorrhoids, arthritis,chronic inflammation, dementia, diabetes, and other metabolic diseases, and what to do about them. Our microbiome. 1:18 minutes – refer to Video# 10 on Elementor page
Cause Lecture 2 – Whats wrong with our microbiome and what can we do about it. 1:02 minutes – refer to Videos #s 11, 12, and 13 on Elementor page
About Me
Second degree murder is when you create a situation that causes someone’s death. I was murdered on March 25th, 2015 when my primary care physician (I refuse to call him a doctor) sabotaged my prescription for the second time and my fungus developed into a very resistant variety.
I’m still here 8 years later because I found a way to slow down the growth of the fungus that is eating me alive. I also found a doctor in Mexico to help me knock it back. But it is still slowly consuming me.
I can now no longer work. I spend five hours in bed every morning dealing with it, so I don’t have a lot of time for a “life”. I’m on a very restricted diet to slow down the growth of my fungus that leaves me tired and sleepy all the time. I want to doze off at stoplights and when people are talking to me. I need to be moving to stay alert.
I think it would be prudent to present all the basics from memory. Get as much down as quickly as possible. It’s really a pretty simple story. Then if I have the time, go back and re-research more of the details.
A person can’t read any medical textbook for more than 20 minutes without wondering why there are any diseases left today. It seems like we already know where every chemical in our body is, what it does, what other chemicals are effected by it, what they do, and on and on. I can’t help but think of all the millions, possibly billions of helpless defenseless animals that have been terrorized, tortured, mutilated, and murdered to gain this information, and it’s not getting applied to any cures. This website is to honor them.
It would seem that the American medical industry is only interested in developing a slightly better treatment in order to capture the market from other pharmaceutical companies. I can’t remember a single cure developed in my lifetime. In the past, it’s always been individuals who have found cures for diseases.
It was an 11year old girl who first discovered the cure for rickets. The medical industry wouldn’t listen to her even when she repeatedly stopped drinking milk so her rickets would come back, and then drinking milk so her rickets would go away over and over again. Tens of thousands of children suffered for decades before some “doctor” discovered it.
If anyone will ever cure anything, it will have to be us. I, for one, did not get sick so other people could get rich off my suffering. The best revenge is to get better and deny them our money. I hope you use this information and get better before you become untreatable.